The Enduro Trails mountain bike trail complex in Bielsko-Biała (hereinafter referred to as the Complex), located in Nadleśnictwo Bielsko and Cygański Las forest areas in Bielsko-Biała, is administered by the Municipal Services Department of the Bielsko-Biała Municipal Council, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.
1. The Regulations of the Complex, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”, specify the rules and manner of use of the Complex and its facilities, and the area in which it is situated, i.e. the Cygański Las forest in Bielsko-Biała.
2. The Complex comprises the following trails:
RED ‘’Stary zielony’’ – FOR ADVANCED BIKERS
One-way traffic applies to all trails!
3. All users of the Complex are obliged to familiarise themselves with these Regulations and to comply at all times with the provisions set out in them.
4. The Complex is open daily from dawn till dusk, except where the Administrator and/or entity responsible for maintaining the mountain bike trail complex in an appropriate and safe condition notifies otherwise in the form of an announcement. Using the Complex at times when the trails are closed constitutes a breach of the provisions of these Regulations. A decision to close the trails will be notified by means of an announcement posted in places visible to users, except in emergency situations when the placing of such an announcement is not possible. Emergency situations are to be interpreted as meaning unforeseen deterioration of weather conditions that are hazardous for users and in particular:
a sudden thunderstorm
sudden heavy rain
a sudden hailstorm
sudden turbulent wind.
Information on the closure of particular trails or of the entire Complex shall be placed by the entity responsible for the running of the Complex in places visible to users, i.e.:
the information board at the start of the uphill trail,
the information board at the so-called trail centre,
the website on Bielsko-Biała’s mountain bike trails, including the fan page and other communication channels maintained by the above-mentioned entity,
the information board at the start of the trail, when closure relates to a specific trail.
5. The Complex shall be closed in situations constituting a risk to safety or to the quality of the Complex’s infrastructure, as well as when forestry works are being undertaken in the direct vicinity of the bike trails. The Complex is closed during the winter season, particularly during thaws; (closure periods will vary depending on the weather conditions). The Complex may be reopened during the winter season but only when there is a ground temperature of below -3 ºC and the ground is frozen to a depth of at least 10 cm.
6. It is forbidden to use the bike trails in situations hazardous for users. Use of the trails should be avoided in the event of sudden adverse weather conditions (storm, turbulent wind, etc.). The Administrator shall not be held liable for any damage that arises as a result of these types of natural weather hazards.
Situations hazardous to users include:
strong, turbulent wind above 60 km/h,
heavy rain of above 0.50 cm of water per hour, persisting for more than 24h
a hailstorm,
a thunderstorm,
forestry works being conducted in the direct vicinity of the bike trails,
other hazards that might lead to an accident.
7. Anyone that enters the site of the Complex and violates public order or public decency, causes a hazard for other users of the Complex, or fails to comply with the provisions of these Regulations, may be removed from the site of the Complex, notwithstanding other possible liability.
8. The following are strictly forbidden on the site of the Complex:
possession or use of alcohol or drugs,
entry by anyone appearing to have consumed alcohol or taken drugs,
dogs not on a leash,
biking without a bike helmet,
use of not fully operational bikes,
use of bicycles not designed for mountain biking,
modifications to or reconstruction of parts of trails,
damage to the structures comprising part of the Complex’s infrastructure,
damage to the natural environment,
campfires, smoking – outside of the designated areas,
walking, dog walking or jogging on the trails,
dismounting and moving in the opposite direction to the trail traffic,
uphill biking (except on the designated uphill trail),
biking outside of a marked trail.
1. The nature of cycling sports requires exercising caution, having physical aptitude and the appropriate skills. The inevitable falls may incur consequences for health that are difficult to foresee, including permanent injury, and even death. Everyone who consciously decides to use the bike trails forming part of the Complex does so at their own risk and responsibility!
2. Bike trails may be used by anyone who has a fully operational mountain bike (which needs to be equipped with 2 working brakes and minimum front shock absorber), a helmet and all the necessary protective pads.
3. The Complex may be used by persons under 18 solely with the consent and under the supervision of Parents or Guardians. The Parents/Guardians shall be responsible for the safety of their children or of the children in their care. The Parent or Guardian is required to familiarise himself/herself with the contents of these Regulations.
4. Users of the Complex are required to wear certified bike helmets on all of the bike trails. It is recommended that users of the Complex wear full-face bike helmets on all other trails, and wear long gloves, elbow and knee guards, spine protectors (turtles) and neck braces.
5. Trail users should behave in a way that does not cause a danger for others.
6. While biking on a trail, no stopping is permitted except in the designated areas.
7. Before commencing a given trail users should familiarise themselves with the route by studying the map and viewing the trail on-site. While viewing the route on-site, extreme caution should be exercised and care taken not to disrupt use of the trail by other bikers.
8. Before starting to bike in the morning, a bike trail should be used with extreme caution as dangerous branches might have fallen overnight due to wind. If you encounter a hazard of this type, remove it from the trail or report the hazard to the Administrator.
If you notice hazardous damage to any of the trail obstacles, you should report the damage immediately to the Administrator so that it can be repaired as soon as possible.
9. Keep at a safe distance from the biker in front of you.
10. Adjust your speed to the level of difficulty of a given trail section, your own level of skill and the number of bikers on the trail.
11. At crossroads always give way to bikers coming from the right unless the give-way sign indicates otherwise.
During competitions, participants in the competition following the set route have right of way at trail crossings. A user approaching a trail crossing should slow down and make sure another user of the Complex’s trails is not approaching from the right.
13. Take particular care at intersections of bike trails with forest paths and walking paths or tourist trails as there may be people walking across at the crossroads.
13. In the event of an accident any users in the vicinity should provide help to the injured party.
14. Every user of the Complex is required to carry with him/her an ID or emergency information card with the telephone number of the person to be notified in the case of an accident.
The emergency information card or ID should be placed in an easily accessible place (e.g. in the right front pocket of the user’s trousers or in the most easily accessible outside pocket of their backpack).
15. It is forbidden to use the Complex trails after dark and in situations where the Administrator has decided to close the trails and made notification to this effect.
Warning signs on the trails.
Drop, drop in ground level
Gap, gap jump
Exclamation marks, caution hazard
Crossing, a sign for bikers on the trail
No entry
No pedestrians
Bikers dismount (a sign on the BBOSIR site)
Caution bikers, a sign appearing in the vicinity of bike trails
No entry / no cycling
1. Any person or institution wishing to use the Complex’s facilities for commercial purposes, including for organising sports competitions, photo sessions or video films and other commercial and gainful activities, in particular for product advertising, is required to obtain the Administrator’s consent.
2. The Administrator of the Complex reserves the right to free-of-charge use of any recordings, interviews and photos featuring users of the Complex and to publish competition results in the mass media. This shall not constitute a breach of the personal data protection act dated August 29, 1997 (Journal of Laws 133 item 883).
3. Every person or institution wishing to use the Complex’s facilities for commercial purposes shall notify other Complex users accordingly by posting a legible notice warning of such activity in a visible place, in front of the area where the activity is to take place.
1. The Administrator shall not be liable for any accidents or incidents resulting from non-compliance with the provisions of these Regulations.
2. The Administrator shall not be held liable to users for any damages suffered by users while biking on the trails, including
any incidents, accidents and collisions on the site of the Complex.
3. The Administrator shall not be held liable in any way to users of the Complex for belongings that are lost, stolen or damaged on the site of the Complex.
The Complex is used at users’ own responsibility!
4. Users undertake to observe the provisions of the Regulations of the Complex as well as instructions given by the organising personnel assigned by the Administrator and by the emergency services, and to behave according to the principles of community life, observing high standards of propriety and the principle of fair play.
5. Users of the Complex waive their right to damages or other claims towards the Administrator due to any damage suffered during use of the Complex.
The Administrator and all persons working in cooperation with the Administrator shall thus not be held liable to the Complex’s users for any injuries, or material or financial damages that occur during use of the Complex.
6. Using the bike trails outside of their designated boundaries and outside of the specified time is forbidden, and is undertaken at the user’s risk – the administrator shall not be held liable for any such use.
7. Users of the Complex shall be financially liable for any damage to or destruction of elements of the Complex.
8. By entering the site of the Complex, users agree to comply with the provisions set out in these Regulations! (The site of the Complex is to be interpreted as meaning the site administered by ‘BBOSiR’, ‘Cygański Las’ Community Forest administered by ‘Zieleń Miejska sp. z o.o’. and the National Forest administered by ‘PGL LP Nadleśnictwo Bielsko’ )
9. Since these Regulations are publicly accessible, unfamiliarity with their contents on the part of users of the Complex may not be considered grounds for making any claim whatsoever against the Administrator.
10. During events organised on the site of the Complex, both the provisions of these Regulations and the Regulations of the event’s organiser shall apply.
11. Any issues not regulated herein shall be governed by the decisions of the Administrator of the Complex.
12. The Administrator has the right to deny access to the use of the Complex without indicating a reason.
Take particular care at the intersections of the bike trails, walking paths and the fireroads used by forestry workers both in Cygański Las forestry and the National Forest in Bielsko Forestry
Remember to adjust your speed to your own level of skill and the conditions on the trail! Mountain biking carries a significant risk of injury! Be smart when using the trails so nobody gets hurt!