Implemented Projects:
Bielsko-Biała 2015 - Construction and marking of mountain bike trails in the municipal forests of Bielsko-Biała, as part of our project that received funding from the Civic Budget (Stage I). Built trails: "Stefanka," "Twister," "DH+," "Stary Zielony."
Bielsko-Biała 2016 1 - Construction and indicating of mountain bike trails in the municipal forests of Bielsko-Biała, as part of our project that received funding from the Civic Budget (Stage II). Built trails: "Daglezjowy," "Cyganka," "Cygan."
Bielsko-Biała 2016 2 - Construction and indicating of mountain bike trails in state forests (Forestry Bielsko), as part of a project funded by the Civic Budget (Stage II). Built trails: "Kamieniołom," "Gondola," "Dziabar," "Dębowiec."
Bielsko-Biała 2017 - Construction and indicating of mountain bike trails in state forests (Forestry Bielsko), as part of our concept for the third stage of expanding the "Enduro Trails – Bielsko-Biała" center (funding: Bielsko-Biała City Budget). Built trails: "RockNRolla," "Daglezjowy" (extension), "Stary Zielony" (extension).
Zawoja 2018 - Construction and indicating of mountain bike trails in state forests (Forestry Sucha), as part of a project funded by the European Union (Interreg program, PFU cycling part of our design) commissioned by the Municipality of Zawoja. In total, 20.5 km of trails were created in 2018. Built trails: "Sokolica," "Rydzowy," "Diablak" (constructed by us), and "Wilcza Łapa," "Tabakowy," "Podbłędny," "Mosorny," "Zimna Dziura" (constructed by our subcontractor).
Bielsko-Biała 2018 - Construction and indicating of mountain bike trails in municipal forests and state forests (Forest district Bielsko), as part of the improvement and expansion project for the "Enduro Trails" center. Built trails: "SahAira," "Dębowiec" (extension), "Daglezjowy" (connection from the bottom all the way to the top).
Szczyrk 2018 - Designing and arrangement on the course of 18.5 km mountain bike trails near the Szczyrk Mountain Resort ski center (Forest district Bielsko and private areas).
Szczyrk 2019 - Construction and indicating of mountain bike trails near the Szczyrk Mountain Resort ski center (Forestry Bielsko and private areas). Built trails: "HipHopa (Flow)," "OTIK, HipHopa (Air)," "Zbój," "Otesanek."
Bielsko-Biała 2020 - Repair and preparation of trails in the "Enduro Trails" complex for the season (repair and reconstruction of the entire "Twister" trail, repair of sections of the Cyganka and RockNRolla trails, improvement of other trails).
Szczyrk 2020 - Continued development of infrastructure at the Szczyrk Mountain Resort center. Built trails: "Loop1," "SkillZone."
Szczyrk 2020 - Repair and renovation of natural trails (Zbój, Otik, and Otesanek).
Zielona Góra April 2021 - Easy singletrack loop, 1250m long, between Wrocławska and Chmielna streets, with indication system, benches, and a service point with a solar lamp. Built trail: "4 Żywioły."
Szczyrk May 2021 - Complete renovation of the HipHopa Flow trail and elements of the HipHopa Air trail.
Rabka Zdrój June 2021 - Flow-line type singletrack on Krzywoń mountain, 1850m long. Built trail: "Mącicielka."
Rabka Zdrój October-November 2021 - Uphill singletrack, 1250m long, and natural enduro trail, 1300m long. Built trails: "Włóczykij" and "Zazdrośnica."
Bielsko-Biała 2022 - Repair and preparation of trails in the "Enduro Trails" complex for the season (repair and reconstruction of the entire "Twister," Stefanka, Cyganka, and RockNRolla trails, improvement of other trails).
Szczyrk 2022 - Renovation and preparation for the season of all Enduro Trails at the Szczyrk Mountain Resort center, as well as the construction of a new trail called "Bestyja."
Istebna 2023 - Construction of a new bike park named "Airduro Trails - Złoty Groń.
Szczyrk 2023 - Construction of a trail for the UCI Downhill World Cup competition.